The Universign's identity certification allows you to sign with a probative value which is stronger and guarantees you a recognition of this one. (Identity of the signatory)
A digital identity delivered by the Universign services is valid for 5 years.
During these 5 years, the certificate is reusable by the owner and this ladder has exclusive control on it. Any certificate bearer can go onto its account and revoke the certificate if he/she decides so.
Our system treats digital identity requests in 24h worked. After this time, you will receive an email which informs you if your demand was accepted or refused.
When you sign in, on the "Identity" tab, it is possible for any person to certify its identity and get a physical person certificate.
1) The first step is a verification of the information: last name, first name, birthdate, e-mail adress and mobile phone number. The last name, first name and birthdate must be identical to whose written on the provided document.
2) The second step corresponds to the uploaded document. Here the type of allowed document:
- European NIC (chip and MRZ lines on it)
- Passport which the MRZ line is compatible with the "international standard"
- French residence permit
3) The third and final step is the electronic signature of a subscription agreement to the Universign services.
4) The request is submitted to the validation organization which will give an answer within 24h, granting the physical person certificate.