Pour vous aider dans la compréhension de certaines erreurs renvoyées par notre API, veuillez trouver ci-dessous, certains codes erreurs, les plus fréquemment rencontrés.
Code Erreur | Signification |
73011 |
No valid contract sign account. |
73251 | Signature session timed out. |
73252 | No more credit for signature. |
73253 | Missing document or signature fields about the document for thetransaction. |
73254 | Missing role as RA operator. |
73104 | Indicates that the user doesn't have a mailsecret (password) set |
73107 | Indicates that the user requested an action to be performed on the mail attachments but there are no attachments, or we were not able to read them |
73108 | Indicates that the mail service is disabled for the user (or theuser's organization). |
73110 | Indicates that the request mail is too big (its size is greater than the configured size limit). |
73111 | Indicates that the request mail for an attachment timestamping contains too many attachments |
73112 | Indicates that the (unregistered) user has used all of his freestamps |
73304 | The user does not exist. |
73314 | The phone number is used by another user. |
73315 | The given parameters of the registered identity are invalid. |
72604 | The requested organization cannot be found. |
73203 | Indicates that the daily limit has been reached |
72001 | Indicates an authentication error or failure. |
72005 | Indicates that the targeted operation needs more tokens than the account contains. |
72009 | A payment error occurred. |
72108 | You cannot delete yourself when you're an administrator; you cannot delete other users when you're not administrator. |
72109 | A given discount code does not exist. |
72112 | The given profile id does not exist or does not belong to the user. |
72113 | This user cannot be modified/deleted because an attached certificate (with a status that does not allow the operation) exists. |
72117 | Indicates that a user with the same phone number already exists |
72501 | The email sent failed. |
72205 | Indicates that an error occurred while reading a PDF document. |
72701 | An error occurred while reading the PDF template. |
72702 | An error occurred while reading a font. |
72703 | Unable to generate the PDF. |
72705 | Invalid signature mode. |
72706 | Invalid or incomplete SEPA data. |