Our previous signature page is being replaced by a new one. The migration to this new signature page is operated by Universign without any additional cost within the next ten days from today.
The new signature page enhances the user experience :
Fully responsive
It benefits from a new design and new technical components for a better user experience. Its flat design is adapted to the current navigation habits.
Simple and intuitive
The signer is offered a better and optimized signing path with fewers steps and clicks.
This new interface will easily benefit from our new features and new services.
A better accompaniement
The signer is better accompanied throughout the signing path. The interface is divided into clear steps in order to easily identify all steps to signing.
More than 80% of Europeans can access the page in their maternal language thanks to its 11 available languages.
Compared features
Below, list of features on both pages.
Feel free to get in touch with our Support Team for more information : Write to Universign Support Team