If you are sending documents to sign:
You have created a signature collection and you have sent requests to your signatories and you do not want to finalize this signature anymore? In this case you can cancel the signature request yourself from your Universign dashboard at any time.
By logging in, you arrive directly on the collection list. Just click on "In progress" (Only "In progress" transactions can be canceled), select the line corresponding to the collection to be canceled, or search by the surname of the signatory (search box sensitive to capital letters and lower case) and click on the red cross on the right to cancel.
You have a document to sign:
You receive an invitation to sign by email and you do not want to finalize this signature anymore.
You have the following options:
-Open the link, access the signature page and refuse to sign.
-Ask the issuer to cancel the signature from its Universign dashboard (in case it needs to be renewed or modified for example).
- Without action on your part, after 14 days the signature expires and cannot take place anymore.
Please note: The finalized signatures cannot be cancelled anymore.